3101 Avenue of the ChiefsPocatello, ID 83204
Book a Zoo Idaho program for your next event! You can come to the zoo, or the zoo can come to you! Whether you are a teacher, a youth leader, an event coordinator, or simply an animal lover, there is a Zoo Idaho program for you.
Which zoo program would you like to request?
School Group
Educational Program Booking Temporarily UnavailableThank you for your interest in Zoo Idaho’s educational programs! At this time, we are temporarily pausing program bookings as our Education Curator has moved on from her role. We appreciate your patience as we work to hire our next team member and get our education department up and running again. We look forward to bringing wildlife education back to you soon!
— The Zoo Idaho Team
Event Type
On-Site Program
Group Type
Birthday Package
Whose birthday is it?
Cake Flavor
Preferred Breakfast
Please provide information for the contact person who will be present on the day of the event.
Contact Name
Please select the top three dates and times that you would prefer for your program.
#1 Date and Time
#2 Date and Time
#3 Date and Time
All of our programs come at a cost. Please answer these questions on how you plan on paying.
When will you be paying?
How will you be paying?
Zoo Idaho will reach out to you via email to finalize your program booking. By signing below, you acknowledge that this form is only a request and that your program is not confirmed until you are contacted by Zoo Idaho staff.